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Sophia Areias is a programmatic Director with GBI and leads our external engagement with business practitioners and other stakeholders around the world to strengthen business practice by convening regional workshops and disseminating practical insights and lessons learned on managing human rights issues effectively.

Prior to joining GBI, Sophia spent several years in Southeast Asia, leading Transparency International Cambodia’s business integrity work and working on private sector engagement with UNDP’s Business and Human Rights and Fair Business teams based in Bangkok. She also taught business law and legal writing at the National University of Management and the Royal University of Law and Economics in Cambodia. Additionally, Sophia has worked on projects related to human rights investigations and accountability, pre-trial detention, and gender-based violence in several countries in Africa.

Sophia has a B.A. in International Affairs from The George Washington University, and a J.D from Santa Clara University School of Law. She is a U.S. qualified lawyer. Sophia has a strong interest in the convergence of anti-corruption and human rights, as well as in business and human rights in post-conflict settings.

GBI blogs, videos and podcasts by Sophia: